"Sustainability Action Network [SAN] - Index"

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Mosman Council | North Sydney Council | Inner West Council |

Council projects
E	Inner Wwest Council "Community Strategic Plan 2018-2036 [CSP 2036]"

D	North Sydney Council - "Community Engagement Strategy [CES] 2009"

C	Mosman Council meetings 2007 - 2009

B	Federal Gov Contract for On-line Council Research 2001

A	Consortium of 9 NSW Councils 2000 for council appilcations including Internet & EDI Systems

INDEX - based on the Mosman Council Syd Au Model Oct 2007 

B	Water [Wtr]
C	Energy [Egy]
D	Biodiversity [Bvy]
E	Buildings [Bld]
F	Waste [Wst]
G	Community Awareness/Behavioural Change [Cbh]

Other Models world-wide

2019 Nov Inner West Council Carbon Credits for 41 Tonnes "Unsustainable Consumption" pa per household

2019 Aug Inner West Council Joint-Venture Proposal for Biogas "Waste-to-Energy" Pilot

2018	 European Commission [EC] "Blockchains for Social Good [BSG]" 2019 Challenge H2020

2017	 UNHCR/EWB Zambia Refugee Project

2015	 NEHTA replaced by The Australian Digital Health Agency [ADHA]

2012	 Australian Index of Wellbeing Economic Model

2011	 12 Models of Wellbeing

2009	 North Syndey "2020 Vision - Community Engagement Strategy [CES]"

1990-2000 Woking Council - 77% reduction in Carbon Emissions

	a	Encouraging community to take public transport
	b	Higher charges for parking SUVs & other high emitters
	c	Education at Household Level
	d	Encourage use of Cycling eg bike paths
	e	Investigate constraints, challenges & advantages
	f	Education for cyclists on road rules
	a	Research needed on:
		1 	Water Tanks
		2 	Grey Water Systems
		3 	Water Conservation Measures
		4 	Storm Water reuse
	b	Storm water outlets to harbour
	a	Efficiency
	b	Renewable Energies
	c	Street lights (linked to moth extinction) - alternatives
	d	Solar powered signs/lighting
	a	Local iconic natural heritage
		1	Marine & Terrestrial
	b	Encouragement appropriate replanting/flora management
	a	Modifying existing buildings to make sustainable
	b	Council buildings (toilet blocks, parks, swimming pools
	c	Marinas
	d	Businesses
	a	Recycling of
		1 	e-waste
		2 	halogen light globes
		3 	packaging
	b	Consumption awareness to mitigate waste
	c	Plastic bags
	a	Climate Change
		1 	Schools
			a	Project Management
		2 	Community
	b	Sustainable Lifestyles - Aus Conservation Foundation [ACF] Model
	c	Demographics - "get to know" the Local Community
	d	Sustainability funding grants for Council Environment Gps
	e	Invite similar Council groups to present & exchange ideas
	f	Local calendar with envronment/sustainability theme
	g	Regular column in local newspaper

Mosman Council | North Sydney Council | Inner West Council |
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Revised: S: 13:57 Sat 2004/10/23 Syd 2065
F: 14:17 Sat 2004/10/23 Syd 2065
Who: aer
Authorised: sgg
Created: 11:00 Sat 2004/10/23 Syd 2065
By: kmb
Revision: 3a4h1.002
Original Page: 3a4h
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